Monday, October 27, 2008

If you're bored, then you're boring

Life's pretty dull and stressful right now. I guess I'll appreciate taking such a heavy course load now by the time spring term rolls around and I can slack off instead of stress out. But for now, I'm not a happy camper.

Last weekend was really nice. I went home to Cow-town for the unit's birthday ball. Friday night got drunk and played Mario Kart until 3 in the morning. Saturday was the ball. Good times, good friends. My feet still hurt from bar hopping my high heels :S Sunday I helped Chris pack up the last little bit to be moved to the new house.

Hopefully I'll be going home this weekend too to help Chris get everything unpacked. We need to pick up a few things for the new house. Mostly some new lamps but we've been needing to do that forever. We've been using the same ol' stumpy lamp since 2002. Now we'll finally get a floor lamp for the living room and some paper lanterns for the bedroom. (Right now there's this fugly round white lamp hanging from the ceiling on a black chain circa 1985. So that's coming down.)

Not much to report for training. I've been so busy with school work and life that there hasn't been much going on.

Not much going on with TTC either. I was really disappointed about not being pregnant last cycle. I think I got my hopes way up with the Clearblue Easy monitor. But it just wasn't meant to be.

I'll try to post some pics soon, but for now, back to the grind. I have one last paragraph to hammer out, then a final proof read and I'm calling this essay done. Then I get to start on another that's due on Thursday - joy!

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